How Many Calories In A Slice Of Cheese?

Do you count the calories for building muscle or losing a few kilograms?

If fitness goals rule your lifestyle, it should never mean that you have to abandon all the blessings of life.

Food is a blessing of life that gives us pleasure. Remember that everything in excess is bad for health.

You can eat all the things in moderation in your life.

Leading a healthy Lifestyle While Eating Slices of Cheese

Cheese is one of the most used product in our cooked dishes. Without cheese, food does not have any taste.

Whether it is a sandwich, burger, or a curry, cheese enhances its flavours.

We need to use the slices of cheese in everything that we cook. But it does not mean you have to go vegan for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

You can attain your fitness goal while eating slices of cheese also. For instance, it is in your control to add the quantity of cheese to a dish.

Counting the Calories of Slices of Cheese

Counting the Calories of the Slices of Cheese

So, you should know about the nutrients and health profile of cheese slices. These are the cheese slices that are used by most people.

So, following we have given complete details regarding the calories and other nutrients in a slice of cheese:

Nutritional Facts of a Cheese Slice

There are many nutrients in sliced cheese. We have produced the information regarding nutrition facts regarding a 1-ounce cheese.

Here is the basic information regarding cheese slices:

a. Total Fat in a Slice of the Cheese

There are 09 grams of fat in the cheese slices. In the 9 gram fat of the cheese, you can find 6-gram saturated fat, 0.3-gram polyunsaturated fat, and 2.6-grams monounsaturated fat.

b. Total Carbohydrates in a Slice of Cheese

There are0.4 grams of carbohydrates in a slice of cheese. Each slice of cheese contains 0-gram dietary fibre. However, it contains 0.1-grams of sugars.

So, you need to be careful while eating the slices of cheese. It can cause you to gain weight.

c. Protein

There is a 07-gram protein in the slices of cheese. Each slice contains a good amount of protein since it is a dairy product.

d. Vitamins and Minerals in a Slices of Cheese

There are many vitamins and minerals in the slices of cheese. There are vitamin A and Vitamin D in the slice of cheese.

Vitamin A is good for eyesight whereas vitamin d is best for the health of bones. One can also find different minerals in the slices of cheese such as cobalamin, calcium, iron, and magnesium.

5. Calories in a Slice of Cheese

In 01 ounce of the slice of cheese, there are 113 calories. If the size of the slice is larger, the calories will increase with the size and weight of the cheese.


There are lots of calories in cheese. But there are only 113 calories in a slice of cheese. So, you can treat your taste buds with a slice of cheese now and then.

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