Low Gi Diet 12-Week Weight-Loss Plan

Low gi diet 12-week weight-loss plan is a popular topic in modern times. You also want to know about it.

It is a guideline for Using the Glycemic Index for Weight Loss.

Low gi diet 12-week weight-loss plan

Your goal is to lose weight and you want to lower the glycemic index of foods.

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What Is the Glycemic Index? Low gi diet 12-week weight-loss planWhat Is the Glycemic Index Low gi diet 12-week weight-loss plan

Currently, in addition to the Glycemic Index concept, which already has a notable recognition among athletes and people who take care of their diet.

The Glycemic Load concept has appeared (Low gi diet 12-week weight-loss plan), which, without being so well known, is also highly relevant for healthy eating programs.

Thus, the GI was defined to indicate the speed with which a food decomposes, being able to raise the level of glucose in the blood.

The Glycemic Index (GI) began to be taken into account when, back in the 1980s, it was seen that foods with the same amount of carbohydrates had different effects on blood sugar levels.

GI calculate system

Higher GI foods raise blood sugar faster than lower glycemic index foods.

The GI is calculated in relation to glucose, to which a GI = 100 is attributed, with foods with a high GI being those greater than 70, those with a medium GI those between 69 and 56 and foods with a low GI those below 55.

The glycemic load is obtained by dividing the GI by 100 and the result is multiplied by the content of carbohydrates available in a serving in grams.

Why is GI related to obesity?Why is GI related to obesity

It is related to obesity since the lower the GI, the lower the amount of food we eat later because the appetite takes longer to appear.

However, the GI does not take into account that, when eating food, we not only ingest carbohydrates as happens when we ingest pure glucose, 100% carbohydrate.

Therefore, how to compare a complete food, which in addition to carbohydrates has proteins, lipids, water, fibre, vitamins, minerals, …?

For this, the concept of Glycemic Load (GL) appears, which assesses not only the speed of food in converting into blood sugar but also the number of carbohydrates in a serving.

Thus, we could say that the GI refers to the speed with which a type of carbohydrate is absorbed and passes into the blood.

The glycemic load refers to the intensity of the insulin response that the food is going to provoke.

How to lower glycemic index?How to lower glycemic index

We have taken, for example, watermelon (91% water, 4.5% HC, 0.5% protein, 0.3% lipids, 0.3% fiber) have a high GI value since it is digested and absorbed very quickly.

However, its GL is low since it only contains 6 grams of carbohydrates per 100g of watermelon, that is, a small amount of insulin is needed to metabolize the said amount of CH.

Here are some tips to lower the glycemic index.

Eat more raw

The more cooked and softer food is, the more its GI will rise, so it is not convenient for you to boil vegetables for a long time.

Broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, etc. raw or boiled for a few minutes they are crispy and have a low GI.

Avoid ripe fruit

It is sweeter and its GI is higher. Fruits such as pineapple, mango or an unripe banana are not very sweet and are harder to eat because they contain more starch and fibre, and their medium-low GI value rises as they ripen and become sweeter, concentrating the fructose o fruit sugar.

Avoid juiced or macerated fruit salads, and don’t let the fruit ripen at home.

Fruit in bites and not in juice

The juice has a higher GI than the whole fruit. And if you also eat the fruit with bites of the skin, the GI is much lower because the skin is rich in fibre.

Biting into an apple fills you up more and for longer than a glass of juice.

Al dente is better than in the past. Pasta is a clear example of how time and temperature change the GI.

How do I lower the GI? Cook it al denteHow do I lower the GI Cook it al dente

  • Mix and win. White rice is a medium-high GI cereal, but if you combine it with another low-GI cereal or food, you reduce the GI of the resulting food. How do I lower the GI? Add lentils to rice, salmon to couscous, etc.
  • Combine high-GI foods with healthy fats and fibre that slow the digestion and absorption of food in the digestive tract. A plate of macaroni can lower its high GI if it is paired with grated carrot and celery, raw red pepper, and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil.
  • Add something sour to dishes. Heartburn slows the digestion of food in the stomach. Add lemon juice or vinegar.
  • Proteins and GI. Foods rich in protein tend to have very low or zero GI due to their low carbohydrate content. Choose protein foods without overdoing them. Don’t totally eliminate carbohydrates and fat.
  • The dairy dilemma. As low-carbohydrate protein foods, dairy products are foods with a low GI, with the peculiarity that due to their calcium content, they cause the release of insulin without changing blood glucose levels.
  • Choose low-fat, probiotic dairy like plain yoghurts and cottage cheese.

Why can the GI / GL of pasta change cooking?

Why can the GI GL of pasta change cooking
GI in pasta

Pasta is mainly made up of semolina flour, a little refined flour that comes from wheat and, therefore, is made up of complex starch-type carbohydrates that need the action of enzymes to be digested.

When the pasta is cooked, the work of the enzymes is done and, therefore, when ingesting them, less work is needed to assimilate it and therefore the insulin response (GC) increases.

Therefore, for a paste to be ready to eat and its effect is that of a slow release of glucose in the blood, it must be slightly hard, which is called “al dente”. → The longer the pasta is cooked, the higher the GC.

No food is better or worse than another because of its GI. It all depends on the situation.

In addition, it must be taken into account that the GI of foods is measured in experimental conditions, after a fast and only eating that food, something that does not usually happen in daily life.

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