Peanut Butter And Onion Sandwich

Who does not love a good sandwich! Everyone around the world has at least someday or many of them probably every day ate a sandwich.

Sandwiches are easy to make, healthy, and customizable food items. It is quick-n-go food for anyone who’s always in hurry.

Sandwiches can be eaten at any time and at any place for lunch? Yes. At work? Yes.

For breakfast? Definitely. At school, on a picnic…you name it.

The best thing about sandwiches is, you could put anything between them and it will taste delicious.

One could mix, modify and change old recipes or make their own, somehow sandwiches manage to look great and taste wonderful.

There are so many ways to make a sandwich that it is impossible to cover even half of them. Why not talk about one of the easiest made ones?

A very popular and easily made sandwich is Peanut Butter and Onion Sandwich.

It requires a few ingredients and it provides protein and carbohydrates. Hence, for a quick-n-go snack, this one works just fine.

The ingredients you would need are 2 slices of bread, Peanut Butter, Thinly sliced onions, Mayonnaise, and seasonings as per taste.

The Peanut Butter and Onion Sandwich is also called ‘Poor Man’s Sandwich.

What’s good with Peanut butter on a sandwich?

 Surely, peanut butter and Onion sandwiches aren’t your favourites, there are many combinations you could put together with Peanut Butter Sandwich.

So now, a question arises, ‘What’s good with peanut butter on a sandwich?’ Peanut Butter can be the most popular and enriched protein-packed sandwich spread.

There is various other Nut butter that can be used to make a sandwich too, like cashew nut butter, hazelnut butter, and almond nut butter.

Although Peanut Butter is the best-selling nut butter and is loved by everyone who has ever tried it.

People who are in love with spreading Peanut butter on their sandwiches have so many options to choose from and add to their sandwiches.

Peanut butter sandwiches do not have to be boring to make and eat.


Thin slices of bananas may be the best combination to add with Peanut butter to a sandwich.

Banana consists of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and potassium.

Adding it with Peanut butter on a sandwich would be a perfect combo for people who work out.

It provides necessary vitamins and calories for people on diet. Banana and Peanut butter sandwiches help grow weight in skinny individuals.

It is recommended by all the trainers at gyms.


Walnuts are also recommended by gum trainers to be added with Peanut butter sandwiches due to their enrichment of vitamin E and Omega-3.

It is frequently added with banana slices and Peanut butter sandwiches.

Maple syrup/Honey:

Maple syrup or honey would be a good option along with banana slices or wall nuts to put on a Peanut butter sandwich.

Honey could help in losing weight. It also makes a good quick breakfast for people who are always in a rush.

Other Fruits:

Fruits like strawberries, apple slices, avocado slices, etc. make a great breakfast.

It not only tastes good with peanut butter sandwiches but is also enriched with various vitamins and protein.


Yeah, you read it right, pickles! Some people like to eat peanut butter sandwiches with pickles added.

It is only a matter of taste and wanting to try something new.


It always makes people curious about how something might taste if added to some popular dish. Hence peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.

The acidic and vinegary taste of pickles and the sweet and salty taste of peanut butter were brought together. It has mixed responses but the average answer for the overall taste of it is good.

Peanut butter and Jelly:

Peanut butter and Jam or jelly consist of fruit preserves and peanut butter. It tastes good, easy to make. Overall, it makes a good breakfast.

Yeah, these are a few of the things that one can add up with peanut butter on a sandwich. The food items mentioned above are widely favourite and popular.

Is peanut butter and mayo a thing?

Is peanut butter and mayo a thing

However, people always try to add new combinations to simple recipes, and sometimes it creates buzz over the internet.

Some recipes were not welcomed by many people all around the world when it was first introduced.

Naming one of them would be a peanut butter and mayo sandwich. Wait, Hold up! Is peanut butter and mayo a thing?

The only response people had to see this combination was, ‘WHY’? This combination has left people split between groups with different opinions about it.

Some people like it and have it regularly, some people hate it while some people are neutral but would not try a peanut butter and mayo sandwich ever.

Many families have been eating peanut butter and mayo sandwich for a long time, they look at it as a traditional thing meanwhile some would not dare to try it.

Whether you like it or not, a Peanut butter and mayo sandwich is surely not going distinct in the near future.

If you are curious enough to know the taste of it, just for the sake of curiosity, a trial of this combination is recommended.

Are peanut butter and pickle sandwiches good?

Okay, how about another combination of a sandwich with peanut butter and pickles. Yes, both of the main ingredients have contradicting tastes.

Try this, go ahead and ask to make a peanut butter and pickle sandwich for your friend. The most likely answer would be ‘No’. There are so many things that go so right with peanut butter sandwiches, why pickle though?

Are peanut butter and pickle sandwiches good? The very first question comes to mind when asked to have one of those sandwiches.

The answer is, surprisingly, ‘Good’. So how does it starts? What would be the thought process to create something by mixing two ingredients that taste different?

The story goes way back to the 1920s, the time of the great depression.

Peanut butter and Pickles were very cheap and due to ongoing depression, people started to mix those both up and started having them together as a sandwich. It doesn’t mean that people don’t like the taste of it.

People have different tastes and preferences. Many people like to have peanut butter and pickle sandwich. It gives a different taste to your tongue that you are used and that could be exciting.

So, would you try this sandwich? Or the peanut butter with mayo one?

Whichever you choose to add to your sandwich, depending on your taste, no one can deny one fact, which is that people can not get enough peanut butter sandwiches.

There will always be something new to it and this makes it more fun!


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