What Does That Have to Do With The Price of Tea in China

What does that have to do with the price of tea in china?

This is an idiomatic expression which is used to render a statement as irrelevant on a particular topic. This idiom is used to term a statement as “non-sequitur”.

So, “- what does that have to do with the price of tea in china?” is a comment that is used to render the previous comment as irrelevant and unimportant.

What’s the price of tea in China mean?What’s the price of tea in China mean

“Price of tea in china” is an idiomatic expression which means an unimportant discussion. The price of tea in China was a significant discussion in England during 18th and 19th century.

Price of the tea was often discussed and mentioned in British House of Commons.

The idiomatic meaning of the “price of tea in China” means something unimportant or irrelevant. Normally, this expression defines the unimportance of a topic due to relationship of a previous topic.

The idiomatic expression “price of tea” refers to lack of relationship between two variables. Following the price of tea in China is used in a sentence:

“I personally view discussion on the president’s current tweet is similar to the price of tea in China. This is absolutely ridiculous!”

Literal Meaning or Use of the Idiomatic Expression

If we take the literal meaning of the idiom, it questions the current price of tea in China.

Presently, the price of tea in China has spiked due to disturbed relations between India and China.

Origins of the Idiomatic Expression

The expression “price of tea in China” may have originated from the statements of economists. Usually, economists describe an action that affect an activity as the farthest possibility.

If explained furthermore, they used to describe a consequence as the farthest logical connection in a butterfly effect. So, economists started explaining farthest logical connection as the price of tea in China.

The idiomatic expression was also utilized to describe an unimportant, irrelevant and insignificant topic.

Another source of origin of the idiomatic expression is the highest tea price in England. In the 19th century, price of tea in England had spiked.

The price of the tea spiked prices was the first ship of tea coming from the tightly controlled markets of China.

Thus, it suddenly became important for Chinese ships to reach England in time to sell tea at higher price.

If tea could not be sold in the London market, the entire cost of the passage would not be recovered. So, in the 19th century, ships battled real races for reaching London markets as early as possible.

Therefore, ships managed to reach the London – ships sailing from China – within 60-90 days.

The difference between the price if tea in London and China was so huge that price of tea in China was irrelevant and unimportant.

Thus, price of tea in China was irrelevant for the ship merchants. So, they tried to bring tea to England as fast as possible.

What does that have to do with the price of eggs?What does that have to do with the price of eggs

This is a rhetorical question that demands attention of the audiences to a particular action or suggestion. The irrelevant statement made by the person can be criticized and discussed afterwards.

This idiomatic expression is usually used in the United States of America.

This idiomatic expression is also similar to the “price of tea” in China. This is an excellent way to render a statement as irrelevant or unimportant.

This question is basically a retort used for the current irrelevant and unimportant situation.

Price of eggs in China is little which is why the price of eggs is termed as the irrelevant statement.

What’s that got to do with the price of fish origin?What’s that got to do with the price of fish origin

Have something to do with another person is a phrase that means a person who is related to something. But proper and complete details are not given.

The literal meaning of the phrase denotes a situation in which somebody is concerned with the price of fish.

This is an irrelevant statement, which takes out its idiomatic meaning.

This is a rhetorical question that talks about an irrelevant statement or an unimportant suggestion. This statement is similar to the price of tea in China.

Price of tea in China is a famous rhetorical question, used in USA. However, the same is not stated in UK.

In UK, “- What’s that got to do with the price of fish origin?” is popular. It denotes a statement that is very irrelevant in nature.

What’s the price of eggs in China?What’s the price of eggs in China

Current price of eggs in China is not expensive. The average price of twelve eggs $1.97 in China.

However, if you add “what does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?”, it denotes a situation that is completely irrelevant and out of context.

When someone communicates, they should talk in a coherent and assertive manner. If anybody asserts a statement that is not connected well with previous statement, it is judged as an incoherent statement.

So, if you connect the price of eggs in China to the patrol price in Tennessee, it definitely would be considered as an irrelevant statement.

Is Tea expensive in China?

Tea is consumed in China regularly and occasionally. Tea, made in China, offers a lot of health benefits.

Chinese consume tea in a pattern that increases health benefits of the tea.

Chinese consume tea as a herbal medicine – as an effective antidote for the poison or prevention of diseases.

Regular tea is not expensive in China. There are many brands of tea that offer great quality tea at affordable rates.

China is also home to one of the most expensive teas in the world. Bushes of da Hong Pao, China’s ancient producer of tea, is one of world’s most expensive teas.

In the year 2002, a wealthiest customer bought the 20g of China’s Da Hong Pao tea for 180,000 yuan ($28000).

Bottom Line

These are idiomatic expressions denoting the similar meaning. The difference is that each idiom is used popularly in different regions.

In UK, you can use “- What’s that got to do with the price of fish origin?”. But in USA, make sure to use “price of tea in China”.

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